
3. Linux

Linus Torvalds

Linux, also called GNU/Linux, is free and is one of the most well-known versions of UNIX. Linux is distributed under the GPL (General Public License) and was developed by Linus Torvalds (photo), a Finnish student attending the University of Helsinki at the time. As of today, the development of Linux, and more particularly that of its core, is still being supervised by Linus Torvalds.

Linux proposes a technical approach as opposed to the commercial approach of many proprietary versions of UNIX. The Linux system:

  • integrates many standard elements of SYSTEM V,
  • is C2-compliant (Orange book, a set of security norms),
  • and is free and under GNU/GPL (GNU General Public License).

“Free”, in the Linux and open-source world, is taken in the “Freedom” sense. The Linux source code is free for use by anyone who wishes to, and can be modified and redistributed freely.