This is the first class of Savoir-faire Linux' course. More than an introduction, this training course is a full initiation to Linux functionalities. It is necessary to anyone who works in a Linux environment. With this course, students will be independent in a Linux environment, and will understand and master basic Unix/Linux concepts.
This includes the use of on line documentation (man), manipulating the file system tree and understanding the global system structure, managing access rights, using bash commands, using filters and read and write average complexity bash scripts.
- Enseignant: Hussein Abdallah
- Enseignant: Martial Bigras
- Enseignant: Ash Charles
- Enseignant: Maxime Dupuis
- Enseignant: John Gosset
- Introduction aux fonctionnalités des trois Shell couramment utilisés
- Caractères spéciaux et méta caractères
- Les variables d’environnement
- Entrées-sorties : redirections et pipelines
- Les principes de la programmation Shell
- Les tubes (pipes), parenthèses, guillemets et accolades
- Variables, quoting, substitutions et opérations arithmétiques
- Fonctions et paramètres
- Énoncés conditionnels (ex : if /case/do/while)
- Les expressions régulières
- La commande sed
- Le langage de programmation awk
- La commande grep
- Les options et alias du Shell
Ce cours n'est pas encore disponible en ligne. Pour une formation en salle, contactez-nous :
- Enseignant: Stéphane Duchesneau
- Enseignant: Étienne St-Amant-Audet
This is the second class of Savoir-faire Linux course.
It provides Linux users the proper knowledge to administer and manage the Linux platform, both for servers and workstations.
It covers all indispensable elements to configure and administer Linux systems, hardware and software.
This course will be available on line soon. Have a look at our training calendar for the next session.
- Enseignant: Hussein Abdallah
- Enseignant: Martial Bigras
- Enseignant: Ash Charles
- Enseignant: Stéphane Duchesneau
- Enseignant: John Gosset
This is the third class of Savoir-faire Linux course.
It gives the student the required knowledge to administer a network under Linux. The student will be able to configure a Linux server over a TCP/IP network, setup the different routing services, email, DNS, FTP, SAMBA, etc, and setup an NFS disk share between two servers.
- Enseignant: Hussein Abdallah
- Enseignant: John Gosset

A successor to IPv4 has been developed to address these deficiencies: IPv6 . The objective of this training is to enable the network administrator to implement the IPv6 protocol on its network.
This course is not available online yet. For a training session, visit our website and contact us :
- Enseignant: Jérôme Oufella
This is the fourth of Savoir-faire Linux course.
It provides knowledge to secure servers or workstations in an opened network Linux environment.
This course is not available online yet. For a training session, visit our website and contact us :
- Enseignant: John Gosset
- Enseignant: Savoir-faire Linux
- Enseignant: Jérôme Oufella
This intensive course is aimed at Unix system administrators who wish to move to Linux and discover the difference between Unix and Linux without wasting time.
It provides the Unix administrator with all the necessary elements to manage Linux platform, both servers or workstations.
It covers all the indispensable elements for Linux system configuration and administration, hardware and software.
This course is not available online yet. For a training session, visit our website and contact us :
- Enseignant: Martial Bigras
- Enseignant: Colin Hutcheson
- Enseignant: Savoir-faire Linux
- Enseignant: Jérôme Oufella