
6. Online documentation

The online documentation can be very useful for obtaining information on:

  • The purpose of a command
  • The syntax and options of a command
  • How-to for an application

We can obtain this documentation from various sources:

  • The manual: the man command
  • Info files: the info command
  • HOW-TOs and hands-on documentation: the /usr/share/doc/ directory.

The manual: the man command

Accessing the manual page:

man [command]
man [option] [command]

$ man ls
$ man man
$ man -S5 passwd,
$ man -k keyword

Use of the man command

Section Contents
1 User commands
2 System calls
3 Functions / libraries
4 Special files and peripherals
5 File formats and conventions
6 Games
7 Macros
8 System administration commands
9 Core (Kernel)

Information layout on a manual page

Here is the presentation layout schema used in the manual:

NAME Name of the command
SYNOPSIS Command's usage summary
DESCRIPTION Detailed description of the command
OPTIONS Explanation for each of the command's options
ENVIRONMENT Lists the names and values of the environment variables used by the command
EXAMPLES Examples of use
FILES Description of files used by the command
SEE ALSO Suggests reference pages on related topics
WARNINGS Displays uses which may cause problems with this command
DIAGNOSTICS Explains the meaning of diagnostic messages which may be outputted by the command
BUGS Enumerates known bugs affected this command
